Get involved at Montco!
With over 30 clubs and organizations at Montco, it is easy to get involved.
Enthusiastic about environmental sustainability? Into technology or writing? We’ve got clubs devoted to them. We also have a Student Veterans Organization, a student newspaper called The Montgazette, a student radio station called Montco Radio, and dozens of other organizations that connect you with like-minded peers.
Looking to start your own club or have questions? Contact Student Life at!
Frequently Asked Questions
What clubs are offered at Montco?
We have clubs covering a variety of interests, including Black Student Union, Psychology Club, Math Club, Script to Screen, Sexuality and Gender Alliance, Student Engineering Association, Dance Ensemble and more.
To see a full list of clubs and organizations, get in touch with club leaders, and view upcoming events, currently-enrolled students can log in and browse Montco Connect.
To learn more about ways to get involved at Montco, email Student Life at
How do I start a club?
- Develop a name, mission and objectives for your club
- Gather at least four currently-enrolled Montco students to become members
- Find a faculty member who is able to serve as the club’s advisor
- Submit a new club registration through Montco Connect
- The Office of Student Life will review your proposal, check requirements of proposed officers and seek the approval of the proposed advisor
- After registration is completed and approved, the club will be registered and added to Montco Connect
- Finally, schedule a meeting with Student Government Association (SGA) to get acclimated with the club protocols and procedures
Why should I get involved?
Not only are clubs a great way to have fun and make lasting friendships, but they are also designed to help you with career readiness skills from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
According to a recent study*, 92 percent of hiring managers agree that candidates with strong soft skills are increasingly important. By joining a club at Montco it is likely that you will be exposed, and be able to enhance, many of the following critical skills needed for employment including:
- Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
- Oral/Written Communications
- Teamwork/Collaboration
- Digital Technology
- Leadership Professionalism/Work Ethic
- Career Management
- Global/Intercultural Fluency
*LinkedIn Global Talent Trends Report
What is the Student Government Association (SGA)?
The Student Government Association (SGA) acts as a liaison to the College community on behalf of the student body by:
- Listening to and, when appropriate, acting upon the suggestions and concerns
- Acting in the students’ best interests when participating in the development of College policies
- Representing the student body on committees and at College events
- Distributing allocated Activity Fee funds to active and approved student clubs and/or programming requests as outlined in the Student Life Handbook